Special Services

Special Services encompasses a wide array of programs and services designed to meet the needs of students.

Our staff work collaboratively with classroom teachers, families, community organizations and other agencies to address the needs of students with physical, cognitive, behavioral, mental health or other impairments that interfere with their performance in school.  Special Services staff are located in every building in the district based on the unique needs of students within each school.  

Specialized instruction and related services to support students with disabilities. Special education is specially designed instruction based on the needs of an individual student.  As required by law, Faribault Public Schools provides a free, appropriate public education to about 700 students with disabilities from birth through age 21 who attend both public and private schools.  A team develops, implements, and reviews each student's individual program.

Robert Dehnert, Director of Special Services
507-333-6002 | Email

The following range of services are provided depending on a student's individual needs:

  • Students with disabilities functioning in the regular education program with the assistance of special education support services such as: consultation with the classroom teacher, monitoring progress, modification of the curriculum, or direct teaching within the regular classroom.
  • Students with disabilities functioning in the regular education program but needing services outside the regular classroom.
  • Students with disabilities whose primary placement is in a special education program with some mainstreaming in regular education.
  • Students who, due to the intensity of their needs, are placed in specialized programs in locations other than their home school.
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