
Technology Department

We appreciate and value the dedication of our educational staff to student learning and recognize the importance of technology in our schools today. Our technology department is committed to provide exceptional technical support in order to achieve a comprehensive educational experience for all students and staff. All technology documentation, including help guides for devices, software, and learning tools,  as well as the technology helpdesk can now be found at Log in with your school Google account, then click on KB or Knowledge Base for documentation, or click on +New Ticket to create a helpdesk ticket. 

For non-employee Technical Support and General iPad Questions: Please email

Mike Berding
Director of Educational Technology & Innovation
507-333-6065 | Email


Our vision is to create an educational path that integrates technology, promotes innovation and creativity, while preparing our students for success in life, college, career and global citizenship

Student Privacy Disclosure

In compliance with MN law HF 2353, FPS is disclosing curriculum, testing, or assessment technology providers that potentially affect student's educational data through this list.


iPad Support


Faribault Public Schools recognizes that the implementation of a 1:1 technology learning initiative requires a need to protect the investment by both the district and families. Faribault Public Schools is offering an iPad Protection Plan to help cover the cost of accidental breakage or damage. Enrollment in the plan is optional. 

Starting in school year 21-22, 6th-12th grade students will take iPads home, 5th grade students will gain more 'at home' access through the year, and students 4th grade and younger will not take iPads home. Therefore we are offering participation in an iPad protection plan for students 6-12. This plan is an annual payment of $15 with a maximum family cap of $30 and covers one accidental damage per device per year  See our iPad FAQs in English, Spanish, and Somali, or our complete iPad Loan Agreement, for more detail. 

iPad payments can be made online through the Infinite Campus portal.  

If you have any questions about the Protection Plan, call (507)333-6063 or email


Amount: $15.00 for each student with maximum family cap of $30.00

To sign up for the campus parent portal email:  


Sarah Lockerby
Technology Secretary
507-333-6063 | Email

iPad Loan Agreement


Current students who have a damaged iPad screen can drop off their device with their building technician for repair. Students in Falcons Online academy should contact their teacher. 

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