Mission Statement and Strategic Plan

Mission Statement:

"Faribault Public Schools provides a high-quality and equitable education that nurtures, inspires, challenges and empowers all students to engage and grow as learners and citizens"

Strategic Plan:

The Faribault Public Schools Strategic Plan 2020 is a guiding document created by staff and community stakeholders to help the school district successfully serve the needs of our community. The Strategic Plan is reviewed and refined regularly to reflect on progress made and address changing needs. 

Core Values:

  • Integrity: We align our actions and words with our mission.
  • Respect: We value ourselves and each other across all differences.
  • Excellence: We commit to continuous learning and improvement.
  • Adaptability: We engage in flexible, continuous, and purposeful change based on data.
  • Collaboration: We leverage resources and talents among all stakeholders as a way to advance our mission.
  • Responsibility: We use our human, financial, and physical resources in support of our mission.
  • Engagement: We act with values-driven purpose to achieve our mission.

These strategies are our driving force, the foundation of everything we do:

  • Student-Centered Learning: We will address individual student learning in innovative and challenging ways.
  • Equity: We will commit to a high-quality education for every student.
  • Mental Health & Safety: We will ensure our schools focus on the social and emotional well-being and safety of students and staff.
  • School Climate: We will foster unity, respect, and connectedness within our schools.
  • Family & Community Engagement: We will engage families and the community to help our students grow as learners and citizens.

Faribault Public Schools Student and Staff Playbook

First page of the PDF file: FPS_Playbook
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