Gifted & Talented

Educators of the Gifted & Talented promoting and supporting excellence in Education.

Core Values

  • Innovation – forward-thinking and creative approaches in education practices.
  • Advocacy and Outreach – access to free and appropriate academic programming for all gifted and talented learners throughout Minnesota.
  • Equity – participants in gifted and talented programming mirror the demographics of each district; such as cultural, linguistic, and economic diversity.
  • Collaboration and Collegial support – opportunities for professional development, networking, and the sharing of resources.

    Julie Hull
    Director of Teaching and Learning
    507-333-6010 | Email

Faribault Public Schools Acceleration Policy

The Faribault schools has specific policies and procedures in place to ensure we meet the academic needs of our highest learners. If you feel your child would benefit from an accelerated placement, please familiarize yourself with our policy and application process. 

If you have further questions or concerns, please contact Kelly Jensen.

Faribault Public School Board Policy on Acceleration

Application for Acceleration

Recognizing Giftedness In Children

Are you wondering if your child is gifted? What does gifted really mean? Please see the sections to the right to help you determine if your child is gifted.

  • What is the difference between a bright child and a gifted learner? 
  • NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children) about how to recognize giftedness in children. 
  • Helpful Links
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